Sea surface currents in coastal oceans are accessible to continuous direct
observations by shore-based high-frequency Doppler radar systems. Inferring
current structure in shallow water from such surface current observations
is attempted. The approach assumes frictionally dominated Row and verticall
y varying current velocity on the scale of the Ekman boundary layer. The ap
proximation of the velocity variation with depth is consequently derivable
in terms of orthogonal basis functions from the sea surface kinematic and d
ynamic boundary conditions; specifically, the viscous momentum and shear eq
uations evaluated at the sea surface. The inference procedure developed is
demonstrated with sea surface data obtained in the coastal High-Resolution
Remote Sensing Experiment on the continental shelf off Cape Hatteras. Despi
te uncertainties in the surface measurements, qualitative agreement is obta
ined between the inferred subsurface current and the current measured in si
tu. The sensitivity of the inference to the measurement uncertainties as we
ll as to the model assumptions is investigated, and the inferred result is
found to be generally robust.