Type-0B string theory has been proposed as the dual description of non-supe
rsymmetric SU(N) Yang-Mills theory coupled to six scalars, in four dimensio
ns. We study numerically and analytically the equations of motion of type-0
B gravity and we find RG trajectories of the dual theory that ow from an as
ymptotically free UV regime to a confining IR regime. In the UV we find a o
ne-parameter family of solutions that approach asymptotically AdS(5) x S-5
with a logarithmic ow of the coupling plus non-perturbative terms that corr
ectly reproduce all UV and IR renormalon singularities. The first UV renorm
alon gives a contribution similar to F-1(E)/E-2 and we are able to predict
also the form of the function F-1(E), which, from the YM side, corresponds
to summing all multiple-chain bubble graphs. The fact that the positions of
the renormalon singularities in the Borel plane come out correctly is a no
n-trivial test of the conjectured duality.