Starting from the strong-coupling SU(2) Wilson action in D = 3 dimensions,
we derive an effective, semi-local action on a lattice of spacing L times t
he spacing of the original lattice. It is shown that beyond the adjoint col
or-screening distance, i.e. for L greater than or equal to 5, thin center v
ortices are stable saddlepoints of the corresponding effective action. Sinc
e the entropy of these stable objects exceeds their action, center vortices
percolate throughout the lattice, and confine color charge in half-integer
representations of the SU(2) gauge group. This result contradicts the folk
lore that confinement in strong-coupling lattice gauge theory, for D > 2 di
mensions, is simply due to plaquette disorder, as is the case in D = 2 dime
nsions. It also demonstrates explicitly how the emergence and stability of
center vortices are related to the existence of color screening by gluon fi