We consider D3-branes at an orbifolded conifold whose horizon X-5 resolves
into a smooth Einstein manifold which joins several copies of T-1,T-1. We d
escribe in details the resolution of the singular horizon X-5 and describe
different types of two-cycles appearing in the resolution. For a large numb
er of D3 branes, the AdS/CFT conjecture becomes a duality between type IIB
string theory on AdS(5) x X-5 and the N = 1 field theory living on the D3 b
ranes. We study the fractional branes as small perturbations of the string
background and we reproduce the logarithmic ow of field theory couplings by
studying fluxes of NS-NS and R-R two forms through different 2-cycles of t
he resolved horizon.