Quantum field theory on non-commutative spaces does not enjoy the usual ult
raviolet-infrared decoupling that forms the basis for conventional renormal
ization. The high momentum contributions to loop integrations can lead to u
nfamiliar long distance behavior which can potentially undermine naive expe
ctations for the IR behavior of the theory. These "anomalies" involve non-a
nalytic behavior in the noncommutativity parameter theta making the limit t
heta --> 0 singular. In this paper we will analyze such effects in the one
loop approximation to gauge theories on non-commutative space. We will see
that contrary to expectations poles in theta do occur and lead to large dis
crepancies between the expected and actual infrared behavior. We find that
poles in theta are absent in supersymmetric theories. The "anomalies" are g
enerally still present, but only at the logarithmic level. A notable except
ion is non-commutative super Yang-Mills theory with 16 real supercharges in
which anomalous effects seem to be absent altogether.