Little is known regarding environmental exposures for non-fatal violence to
ward women in the workplace, We sought to identify factors associated with
non-fatal physical assault occurring to women during military service, A cr
oss-sectional telephone survey of a national sample of 558 women veterans w
ho served in Vietnam and subsequent eras of military service was conducted;
537 women were interviewed. Twenty-three percent experienced non-fatal phy
sical assault during military service. Rates of assault were consistent acr
oss eras of service. Military environmental exposures, including sexual har
assment allowed by officers (P < 0.0001) and unwanted sexual advances while
on duty (P < .0001) and in sleeping quarters (P < 0.0001), were independen
t risk factors for assault, Environmental factors in the military workplace
, including leadership, behavior appeared to promote violence toward milita
ry women. Such occupational factors can be identified and should be elimina