Besides fission into two or three fragments, a heavy or superheavy nucleus
spontaneously breaks into four, five or six nuclei, of which two are asymme
tric or symmetric heavy fragments and the others are light clusters. Exampl
es an presented for the cold fission of Cf-252, in which the emitted cluste
rs are: 2 alpha, alpha + Be-10, 3 alpha, alpha + He-6 + Be-10 and 4 alpha.
A comparison is made with the recently observed Cf-252 cold binary fission
and cold ternary (accompanied by an a particle or by Be-10 cluster) fission
. The strong shell effect associated with the doubly magic heavy fragment S
n-132 is emphasized. From the analysis of different configurations of fragm
ents we conclude that the most favourable mechanism in such a decay mode sh
ould be cluster emission from an elongated neck formed between the two heav
y fragments.