We investigated the role of phagotrophic protists in the Oregon upwell
ing system over a 2 yr period by determining protist abundance, and by
measuring grazing and phytoplankton growth rates with the seawater-di
lution method. Off Oregon (USA), upwelling occurs predominantly during
the summer months as episodic upwelling events which give rise to phy
toplankton blooms. Abundance of phagotrophic protists, grouped into ci
liates (mostly choreotrich forms), thecate and gymnodinoid dinoflagell
ates and nonpigmented nanoflagellates, was lowest in freshly upwelled
water (3 mug C 1(-1)) and highest during the late stages of the phytop
lankton blooms (61 mug C 1(-1)). Overall rates of herbivory ranged fro
m 0 to 0.6 d-1 during the upwelling season which represented 0 to 120%
of the phytoplankton production. Highest phytoplankton growth rates w
ere measured during bloom periods in the upwelling season (0.67 to 1.5
8 d-1) when phytoplankton biomass was highest (10.7 to 55.3 mug chl a
1(-1)). During bloom periods, phagotrophic protists utilized 16 to 52%
of phytoplankton production, or 612 to 1413 mug C 1(-1) d-1. Gymnodin
oid dinoflagellates were most abundant during the upwelling season, of
ten exceeding the biovolume of choreotrich ciliates and of thecate din
oflagellates. Rates of herbivory were closely linked to the abundance
of this group of dinoflagellates. The abundance of large-celled gymnod
inoids (> 20 mum) and large phytoplankton (> 20 mum, mostly diatoms) c
ovaried, indicating that the bloom-forming diatoms were being utilized
as a food source. Thus, the microbial food web is an integral part of
the trophic interactions in coastal upwelling systems including large
phytoplankton cells as prey of protist grazers.