The light microscopic histopathology and cytopathology of papillary thyroid
carcinoma (PTC) and its variants is amply depicted in reviews, basks, and
hook chapters, One of the changes in PTC, however, that is infrequently dis
cussed or illustrated in the literature is that of mucinous metaplasia. In
the aspiration cytopathology literature, we are aware of only a rare report
of PTC exhibiting extensive mucinous metaplasia. We present an example cor
relating the histopathology and fine needle aspiration cytopathology of a P
TC that had metastasized on several separate occasions to cervical lymph no
des, and in the process demonstrated mucinous transformation. Without a pri
or history of PTC, the aspirate smears and tissue sections could have been
mistaken easily for metastatic clear cell carcinoma of non-thyroidal origin
. Mucinous metaplasia represents an extremely uncommon, but nonetheless pot
ential, pitfall in the aspiration cytopathology and histopathology of metas
tatic PTC.