The gene product of cystic fibrosis - the CFTR - is expressed within the ga
strointestinal tract in epithelial cells of the small and large bowel, the
pancreatic acini and the biliary tree, but not in the liver. For same of th
e manifestations of CF in the GI-tract there is a genotype-phenotype-correl
ation. Patients with the Delta F508 mutation present with pancreatic insuff
iciency (PI). PI correlates with the appearance of meconium ileus and dista
l intestinal obstruction syndrome (DIOS). The gold standard for the diagnos
is of PI is the quantitative determination of fat in a 3-5 stool collection
. The treatment consists in the administration of microcapsulated pancreati
c extracts in a dose of 5.000 to 10.0000 units of lipase/kg/day. Higher dos
es up to 50.000 units of lipase/kg/day have been implicated with the occure
nce of fibrosing colonopathy in the early 90ties. As for the hepato-biliary
manifestations of CF, cholelithiasis, atresia of the cystic duct and a bil
iary cirrhosis are the main pathologies. The focal nodular cirrhosis turns
into a multilobular cirrhosis in 24% of all adults with CF combined with po
rtal hypertension and esophageal varices. In newborn a prolonged neonatal c
holestasis can occur with symptoms similar to those in extrahepatic biliary
atresia. The treatment of the hepatopathy in CF is difficult. The oral adm
inistration of ursodeoxcholic acid (15-20 mg/kg/day) was shown to be effect
ive in some studies. Up to 25% of CF patients are suffering from gastro-eso
phageal reflux disease (GER). An esophagoscopy is assessing the degree of e
sophagitis, which is treated with omeprazal. The meconium ileus of the newb
orn is pathognomonic for the presence of cystic fibrosis. DIOS is present i
n 35% of 1000 patient yea rs particularly in adolescents and adults with CF
. Together with DIGS an acute appendicitis or an intusseption can be presen
t. Since the daily dose of oral panceratic extracts has been limited, the o
ccurence of fibrosing colonopathy has decreased. More often in the last few
years a severe pancolitis was noticed in adult patients with CF due to Clo
stridium difficile infection. Diarrhea, abdominal pain together with signs
of inflammation lead to that severe, sometime life threatening disease. The
ultrasonographic visualization of the colon shows enormous enlargement of
the inflamed colon easely. Rare manifestation of CF in the GI-tract compris
e malignant disease like adenocarcinoma,the infection with Giardia lamblia,
the development of inflammatory bowel disease, e.g. Crohn's disease and th
e occurence of celiac disease.