We describe the clinical presentation, radiological and clinical results in
six consecutive patients with a giant vertebrobasilar aneurysm treated by
bilateral vertebral artery balloon occlusion. Five patients presented with
headache and signs of brain-stem compression and one with subarachnoid haem
orrhage. In all patients vertebral artery balloon occlusion was performed.
In four, this followed successful test occlusion, In one patient, who did n
ot tolerate the test occlusion, a bypass from the external carotid to the p
osterior cerebral artery preceded definitive vertebral artery occlusion. On
e patient underwent bypass surgery prior to test occlusion. At 6-22 months
follow-up three patients had a good functional outcome and showed unchanged
size or shrinkage of the aneurysm on MRI. Three other patients died: one f
rom recurrent haemorrhage, and two probably from delayed brainstem ischaemi
a, The presence of two large posterior communicating arteries predicted goo
d functional outcome, which was also related to the clinical condition at p
resentation, and the degree of brain-stem compression and oedema on MRI. Bi
lateral vertebral artery balloon occlusion can be considered in patients wi
th otherwise untreatable giant vertebrobasilar aneurysms. If test occlusion
is not tolerated, a surgical bypass to the posterior circulation can be co