Phase unwrapping, i.e. the retrieval of absolute phases from wrapped, noisy
measures, is a tough problem because of the presence of rotational inconsi
stencies (residues), randomly generated by noise and undersampling on the p
rincipal phase gradient field. These inconsistencies prevent the recovery o
f the absolute phase field by direct integration of the wrapped gradients.
In this paper we examine the relative merit of known global approaches and
then we present evidence that our approach based on "stochastic annealing"
can recover the true phase field also in noisy areas with severe undersampl
ing, where other methods fail. Then, some experiments with local approaches
are presented. A fast neural filter has been trained to eliminate close re
sidue couples by joining them in a way which takes into account the local p
hase information. Performances are about 60-70% of the residues. Finally, o
ther experiments have been aimed at designing an automated method for the d
etermination of weight matrices to use in conjunction with local phase unwr
apping algorithms. The method, tested with the minimum cost Bow algorithm,
gives good performances over both simulated and real data.