A case of insular thyroid carcinoma arising in the right lobe of a 54-year-
old male is reported. The tumour exhibited an invasive growth pattern with
regional lymph node metastasis. Microscopically, the tumour was characteris
ed by well-defined solid nests like insulae, including mature follicles con
taining colloid and immature follicles without colloid. Immunohistochemical
ly, tumour cells in follicular areas predominantly exhibited immunopositivi
ty to antithyroglobulin antibody. On the other hand, diffuse immunoreaction
s with anti-neuron-specific enolase (NSE), S-100 protein and Leu-7 were det
ected mainly in the tumour cells of solid areas. In addition, clear cytopla
smic immunoreactivity with anti-myelin basic protein (MBP) antibody was exh
ibited in a number of tumour cells. Ultrastructurally, many tumour cells po
ssessed dense vacuoles, apparently containing colloid material, but intracy
toplasmic neurosecretory granules were absent. The histopathological and ul
trastructural characteristics of the tumour as well as its anti-thyroglobul
in antibody immunoreactivity support the classical hypothesis that this neo
plasm is a variant of poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma. The positive
immunohistochemical reactions for NSE, S-100, MBP and Leu-7 raise the poss
ibility of aberrant differentiation, for example neural.