Objectives. There is mounting concern about how mothers' own victimization
experiences affect their children. This study examines the effects of mothe
rs' victimization on their own mental health and parenting and on their chi
ldren's behavior, development, and health. The effects of both timing and t
ype of victimization are assessed. A related objective was to determine if
there was a cumulative risk effect produced by victimization during both ch
ildhood and adulthood, or both physical and sexual.
Setting. Urban families in an eastern state and urban and rural families in
a southern state.
Participants. A total of 419 mothers and their children 6 to 7 years old we
re identified from 2 sites. The eastern sample was recruited in the first 2
years of life from 3 pediatric clinics: 1 for children at high risk for hu
man immunodeficiency virus disease, 1 for children with failure to thrive,
and a third providing pediatric primary care. The southern sample was deriv
ed from a cohort of children at risk for adverse health or developmental ou
tcomes, plus a systematic sampling of controls, recruited from area hospita
ls. At age 4, a random sample of children from the original cohort who had
been maltreated along with a matched comparison group of non-maltreated chi
ldren were selected.
Results. In general, mothers victimized during both childhood and adulthood
had poorer outcomes than mothers victimized during either childhood/adoles
cence or adulthood who in turn had worse outcomes than mothers with no hist
ory of victimization. This manifested as more maternal depressive symptoms,
harsher parenting, and more externalizing and internalizing behavior probl
ems in their children. There were no significant differences in maternal fu
nctioning or child outcomes between those abused in childhood and those abu
sed in adulthood. These findings were similar for type of victimization. Mo
thers' depression and harsh parenting were directly associated with their c
hildren's internalizing and externalizing behavior problems.
Conclusions. Maternal victimization appears to be a highly prevalent proble
m in high-risk samples and is associated with harmful implications for ment
al health and parenting, as well as for the offspring. Pediatricians need t
o consider past and current victimization of mothers. Routine screening for
these problems, followed by appropriate evaluation and intervention may re
duce maternal depression, improve parenting, and reduce the incidence of be
havior problems in children.