Neutron spin echo INSE) spectroscopy inherently involves polarization analy
sis features. Thus, the very principle of paramagnetic NSE used for the stu
dy of magnetically isotropic systems is based on the vector properties of t
he neutron polarization change in the scattering, which implies that the in
coming and outgoing neutron spin directions are not parallel. Another, conv
entional polarization analysis feature is the opposite sign of the NSE sign
al for nuclear and nuclear-spin incoherent scattering, or the signal parall
el and perpendicular magnetic fluctuations in the presence of a strong magn
etizing field. In these cases the measured NSE spectra are the algebraic su
ms of two components. In its actual form, however, NSE does not allow one t
o investigate spin-flip and non-spin-Rip scattering channels independently
from each other. At the expense of rather moderate loss of signal it is, ho
wever, possible to generalize the NSE technique for the study of a given ch
annel of spin-dependent scattering processes in the most general sense of n
eutron polarimetry. This means to perform inelastic NSE analysis on the par
tial scattering cross-section corresponding to the transition from any inco
ming spin direction P to any outgoing spin direction P'. A method of combin
ing NSE with neutron polarimetry will be described together with a simple e
xample of experimental realization. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All righ
ts reserved.