We present a family of space-time nonseparable analytic solutions describin
g spatiotemporal dynamics of isodiffracting single-cycle and few-cycle puls
es,with Hermite-Gaussian and Laguerre-Gaussian transverse profiles. These s
olutions are space-time localized wave packets propagating in free space. T
he transverse field profile acts as a spatially dependent filter, modifying
the pulse spectrum and removing certain frequencies. The consequences of t
hose effects in the time domain are the distortions of pulse envelope and t
emporal wave form and the creation of "dark pulses" at certain transverse p
ositions. In addition, due to the space-time coupling, the instantaneous tr
ansverse field pattern changes inside the pulse, as well as with propagatio
n distance. These higher-order mode solutions can be used to analyze reflec
ted or scattered terahertz pulses, and to understand the wave-form distorti
ons of terahertz signals in applications. They are also capable of modeling
pulsed fields of phase locking of both transverse and longitudinal modes i
n total mode-locked lasers.