The purpose of this work Is to establish and validate a model to predict th
e isothermal and non-isothermal consolidation behavior of unidirectional to
wpregs, made of carbon fibers and a thermoplastic polymer. A Finite Differe
nce Method program was devised based on a set of analytical expressions dev
eloped in a previous work. The program allows the determination of pressure
-displacement curves at constant press closing speed and fixed or variable
molding temperature, allowing comparison with experimental data obtained in
the same conditions. There was good agreement between theoretical predicti
ons and experimental results for both the isothermal and non-isothermal con
solidation. However, in the former case, the agreement was limited to low c
losing speeds and long pre-heating times. In the latter case these limitati
ons did not exist, showing that the non-isothermal model is a good tool for
the optimization of the consolidation process.