The application of the Hamburger Schreibprobe by practitioners led to the a
ssumption that dyslexic children cannot accurately be diagnosed by this tes
t. To examine this hypothesis a sample of 148 third graders participated in
three tests: the Hamburger Schreibprobe, the Diagnostischer Rechtschreibte
st and the Weingartener Rechtschreibtest. It turned out that the applicatio
n of the Hamburger Schreibprobe led to a considerable amount of wrong diagn
oses. This was not the case when applying the two other tests.
The Hamburger Schreibprobe includes three strategies as a qualitative analy
sis of spelling: the alphabetic, the orthographic and the morphematic strat
egy. It could be shown that there are only few students whose orthographic
and morphematic strategy differ in a way that would make individualized ins
truction advisable. In addition to the empirical results it was pointed out
that the alphabetic strategy is not clearly divided from dialectal spellin
g mistakes.