A large part of the existing confusion in contemporary psychology could be
reduced with an integration of the existing paradigms. Up to now, classical
physics has been the model to follow in science, and the concept of consci
ousness is not necessary in that area, except maybe in quantum mechanics; h
owever this concept could be indispensable to conceptually solve the majori
ty of psychological issues. A conceptual metaphor is proposed that assumes
that all psychological phenomena (i.e. the expression of consciousness) sho
uld be studied simultaneously from three viewpoints or paradigms: physiolog
ical, behavioral, and cognitive. As an example, emotion (a form of consciou
sness) should be investigated with three kinds of measures: physiological c
orrelates, verbal responses and video recording for observing behavior. Eac
h category of data should be treated using the appropriate methodology, der
ived from its paradigm, in this way the congruence among the three aspects
of the individual consciousness could be verified. It is also important to
place the system that we are interested in (for instance emotion) in its ap
propriate level in the evolutionary scale, in order to find the sub-systems
and context. A geometric metaphor is proposed, a tetrahedre, that visually
shows the paradigms and evolutionary levels of consciousness. The sphere a
round the tetrahedre represents the context of human consciousness: the soc
ial environment.