In this article, the authors examine the most common type of improper solut
ions: zero or negative error variances. They address the causes of conseque
nces of; and strategies to handle these issues. Several hypotheses are eval
uated using Monte Carlo simulation models, including two structural equatio
n models with several misspecifications of each model Results suggested sev
eral unique findings. First, increasing numbers of omitted paths in the mea
surement model were associated with decreasing numbers of improper solution
s. Second, bias in the parameter estimates,vas higher in samples with impro
per solutions than in samples including only proper solutions. Third invest
igation of the consequences of using constrained estimates in the presence
of improper solutions indicated that inequality constraints helped some sam
ples achieve convergence. Finally, the use of confidence intervals as well
as four other proposed tests yielded similar results when testing whether t
he error variance,vas greater than or equal to zero.