The objective of phase 2 cancer chemoprevention trials is to evaluate wheth
er a chemopreventive agent will cause significant modulation of intermediat
e endpoint biomarkers (IEB) in patients at high risk for the disease. A pha
se 2 chemoprevention trial of 4-hydroxyphenyl retinamide (4-HPR) Versus pla
cebo was conducted in men with a histologic diagnosis of early prostate can
cer and scheduled to have radical prostatectomy. A Bayesian monitoring meth
od was used to sequentially monitor this trial for evidence of biological a
ctivity or ineffectiveness based on a single IEB variable. Different prior
distributions were used and posterior distributions were obtained to calcul
ate the probability that treatment differences are greater than or less tha
n a predetermined clinically significant effect. The interim analysis of tr
ansforming growth factor-st expression indicated a high probability of insu
fficient biological activity of 4-HPR on this IEB, This study demonstrates
the potential utility of Bayesian methods in the decision-making process in
the conduct of phase 2 chemoprevention trials.