The Island-in-The-Sky desert bighorn herd (Ovis canadensis nelsoni), the la
rgest in Canyonlands National Park, Utah, is used extensively by Utah Divis
ion of Wildlife Resources to re-establish herds in former habitat throughou
t the state. This study was undertaken because park managers became concern
ed about delayed herd recovery following 4 years of transplant removals and
suspended trapping operations. This concern led to my study of effects of
weather on yearly lamb:ewe ratios for the park's 23-year database. I used w
eather variables regulating the annual growing season, soil-moisture regime
, and body condition of ewes to develop multiple-regression models. Regress
ion models, developed from 10 and 16 years of data, explained 91% and 61% o
f the variation in lamb:ewe ratios, respectively; I estimated lamb:ewe rati
os for remaining years of data and compared them with observed values. Maxi
mum ambient temperatures in May of the same year lambs were born and precip
itation from January through March 2 years before lambs were born (thought
to relate to body condition of ewes) were variables correlated most strongl
y with lamb:ewe ratios. Peak of lambing occurs in April and May. May is the
pivotal month, which, on average, has maximum temperatures that promote ne
gative soil-moisture storage and a decrease in forage nutrients. Disease (c
ontagious ecthyma) was first noticed in 1986 and apparently reduced lamb su
rvival through 1992. I used data from disease years to estimate lamb surviv
al, but not for model development.