OBJECTIVE: Limited information is available regarding the progression of di
sease in women with mild gestational hypertension. Our purpose was to descr
ibe the prognostic signs in the natural course of mild gestational hyperten
sion and pregnancy outcomes in women who were remote from term with mild ge
stational hypertension that was expectantly managed.
STUDY DESIGN: Women with mild gestational hypertension participating in an
outpatient hypertension monitoring program were studied. Inclusion criteria
were patients with a singleton pregnancy between 24 and 35 weeks' gestatio
n who had no proteinuria by dipstick (0 or trace) on the first 2 days of pr
ogram participation. Progression to preeclampsia was the primary outcome. T
he rate of progression to severe preeclampsia, obstetric complications, and
neonatal outcomes were secondary measures. Data were compared by independe
nt Student t and Fisher exact tests where applicable.
RESULTS: A total of 748 patients were studied during the observation period
; preeclampsia (persistent proteinuria greater than or equal to1+) develope
d in 343 (46%), and 72 (9.6%) had antepartum progression to severe preeclam
psia. No significant differences in maternal age, race, marital status, or
tobacco use were observed between those women in whom persistent proteinuri
a developed and those in whom it did not develop. Gestational age of the in
fants at delivery (36.5 +/- 2.4 vs 37.4 +/- 2.0 weeks), birth weight (2752
+/- 767 vs 3038 +/- 715 g), incidence of small-for-gestational-age newborns
(24.8% vs 13.8%), and duration of neonatal hospital stay (7.1 +/- 10 vs 5.
0 +/- 9.3 days) differed significantly in the patients with versus those wi
thout proteinuria (P < .001 for all).
CONCLUSIONS: In patients with mild gestational hypertension remote from ter
m, 46% ultimately had preeclampsia, with progression to severe disease in 9
.6%. The development of proteinuria is associated with an earlier gestation
al age at delivery, lower birth weight, and an increased incidence of small
-for-gestational age newborns.