Context: Determination of the occupational risk of hepatitis B and C to pub
lic safety workers is important in identifying prevention opportunities and
has significant legal and policy implications.
Objectives: Characterize the risk of occupationally acquired infection: (1)
risk of exposure to blood and body fluids, (2) seroprevalence of hepatitis
B and C in the source population, and (3) risk of infection after exposure
Data Sources: Electronic search of MEDLINE (1991-1999), HealthStar (1982-19
99), and CINAHL (1975-1999) supplemented by selected reference citations an
d correspondence with authors of relevant articles.
Study Selection: Peer-reviewed journal articles (N=702) that addressed the
transmission of hepatitis B and C in law enforcement, correctional, fire, e
mergency medical services, and healthcare personnel were identified. One hu
ndred five (15.0%) articles were selected for full-text retrieval; 72 (68.6
%) were selected for inclusion.
Data Abstraction: Articles selected for inclusion were abstracted by two re
viewers and checked by a third reviewer, using a standard reporting form.
Data Synthesis: Evidence tables were constructed, using the standardized ab
stracts. The tables were designed to summarize data for the key elements of
the risk analysis.
Conslusions: Data suggest that emergency medical service (EMS) providers ar
e at increased risk of contracting hepatitis B, but data have failed to sho
w an increased prevalence of hepatitis C. EMS providers have exposure risks
similar to those of hospital-based healthcare workers. Other public safety
workers appear to have lower rates of exposure. Urban areas have much high
er prevalence of disease, and public safety workers in those areas are like
ly to experience a higher incidence of exposure events.