Pd. Muir et al., Effects of growth pathway on beef quality in 18-month-old Angus and South Devon X Angus pasture-fed steers, ANIM SCI, 72, 2001, pp. 297-308
There is evidence that, in cattle, rapid compensatory growth after a period
of growth restriction may increase the variability of beef quality and tha
t variability is greater in breeds which reach larger body site at maturity
. This experiment investigated the effect of compensatory growth following
a period of winter grow,th restriction on carcass quality in steers of smal
l and large mature size grazed on pasture. Angus (no. = 120) and South Devo
n x Angus (SDxA; no. = 120) steers were allocated to non-restricted or rest
ricted growth treatment groups and for 126 days over winter their grazing w
as managed to achieve mean live-weight gains of approximately 0.7 kg/day or
to maintain live weight for each group respectively. Steers were slaughter
ed at the start (no. = 10 per breed) and end (no. = 20 per nutrition group
(10 from each breed)) of the winter period for carcass evaluation. Thereaft
er remaining steers were grazed together at a high pasture allowance to max
imize growth and were slaughtered for carcass evaluation as they reached ta
rget live weights (Angus, 590 kg; SDxA, 620 kg). SDxA steers grew faster (P
< 0.05) during both the winter and finishing periods and reached target sl
aughter live weights approximately 20 days earlier than Angus steers. SDxA
steers also had leaner carcasses than Angus steers at each slaughter althou
gh there was no significant difference in meat quality between breeds. Howe
ver there was a significant effect of restriction treatment on carcass weig
ht and meat quality. The non-restricted steers grew faster, had heavier car
casses and more tender steaks than restricted steers, although there was no
significant difference in carcass fatness (adjusted for hot carcass weight
). Muscle calpain activities were positively correlated with live-weight ga
in during the finishing period suggesting increased potential for post-mort
em myofibrillar proteolysis and therefore increased meat tenderness. Howeve
r, in the present experiment this teas confounded by an increase in shear f
orce with age-at-slaughter, especially in the non-restricted steers. Nevert
heless, steers which were heaviest at the start of the experiment reached s
laughter live weight earliest, were leaner than average and had higher calp
ain system activities at slaughter regardless of breed or restriction treat
ment. Furthermore, in the non-restricted group, high initial live weight an
d early slaughter was associated with lower pH and more tender meat. In con
clusion, although restriction affected meat quality attributes, it appears
that live weight prior to food restriction also had a considerable effect o
n carcass characteristics at slaughter Therefore, the characteristics of th
e early growth phase prior to the finishing period may have important conse
quences for meat quality.