Net energy efficiencies were calculated from data of an experimental herd w
ith respect to type of cow, lactation number, stage of lactation and diet.
The trial consisted of 71 Holstein-Friesians, 71 Jerseys and 71 Holstein-Je
rsey F1-crosses in 1st, 2nd and >2nd lactation. Data were collected during
210 days of lactation, from calving to week 30 and included total dry matte
r intake, energy content of foods, milk yield, milk solids, body weight, bo
dy condition scores and several body measurements. The cows were divided in
to four feeding groups : high and low energy content of roughage as well as
high and low proportion of concentrates. Net energy efficiency was calcula
ted as the ratio of milk energy to total net energy intake after subtractin
g energy utilized for maintenance and body tissue change. Body tissue chang
e was calculated either via body-weight changes or body condition-score cha
Due to the distribution of the efficiencies being skewed, efficiencies were
transformed applying a Box-Cox transformation. Transformed net energy effi
ciencies were analysed using a repeated measurements design considering the
sequential nature of the observations. Mixed models with a compound symmet
ry structure for the variance components were applied. Final models contain
ed the fixed effects of type, lactation number, feeding group and the covar
iates week of lactation and its square. Holstein-Jersey crosses were more e
fficient than purebreds, second lactation cows were least efficient, cows g
iven low energy roughage and a lower proportion of concentrates were more e
fficient than cows on the other diets. Least efficient were the cows belong
ing to the high energy roughage and higher proportion of concentrates group
. The coefficients of determination of the final models were between 0.357
and 0.492.