Utilizing information gathered in previous growth chamber and field experim
ents, we developed a simple temperature-driven crop phenology model of musk
melon (Cucumis melo L.) to help commercial growers time crop phenological e
vents and predict harvest dates. The model quantifies vegetative developmen
t in terms of main vine node numbers which allows the model to simulate eit
her a direct-seeded or a transplanted crop. The model operates on an hourly
time-step but requires only daily weather data and a few cultivar-specific
parameters including plastochron interval and thermal time requirements to
reach six predefined developmental stages. The model was tested against an
independent data set consisting of three muskmelon cultivars grown at five
transplanting dares. Tests of;he model indicate an average ability to pred
ict main vine node numbers to within one to two nodes of observed values. E
stimated harvest dale predictions were more variable than those for main vi
ne node number but an average model accuracy of 1 to 3 d was obtained in mo
del tests with a data set used to construct the model. Procedures for calib
rating the model for different cultivars, cultural practices or environment
s are outlined.