The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and vertical
transmission of anaerobic infection in early onset neonatal septicaem
ia in babies born to mothers with adverse perinatal factors. One-hundr
ed neonates born to mothers with one or more adverse perinatal factors
were prospectively studied. Aerobic and anaerobic blood cultures were
drawn in addition to rapid diagnostic tests. High vaginal swabs were
also taken from all mothers prior to delivery. Anaerobic Clostridium s
pecies infection was found in 5 per cent babies and all of them were s
ymptomatic. Fifteen babies had aerobic infection. There was one baby w
ith concomitant aerobic and anaerobic infection. There was no signific
ant difference in sex distribution, birth weight, or gestational age b
etween babies with aerobic and anaerobic infection. Similarly, there w
ere no symptoms unique to anaerobic infection. None of the rapid diagn
ostic tests had a good sensitivity for anaerobic infection. Fifty-two
per cent of the mothers had anaerobic growth in their vaginal swabs, b
ut none had transmitted to their babies. All five babies recovered wit
hin 24-72h of commencing therapy. This study shows that anaerobes have
a role in early onset neonatal septicaemia. They cause serious morbid
ity, but carry a good prognosis. For identification of such infection
blood culture is mandatory.