Information on richness of plant resources, and their forms of use and mana
gement in the biosphere reserve Tehuacan-Cuicatlan, Mexico is analyzed. Thi
s 10000 km(2) region hosts nearly 2700 vascular plant species, and it is ac
knowledged as one of the arid areas with the highest floristic diversity in
North America. The seven indigenous ethnic groups that live in this region
have cultural roots that date back almost 10000 years. Based upon ethnobot
anical and floristic studies, as well as bibliographical sources, a total o
f 808 useful plant species were identified, most of them (90%) being native
, and 44 species being endemic to the region. A total of 681 species are wi
ld plants, 109 are weeds and ruderal plants, and 86 are domesticated crops.
However, it was noted that considerable overlap exists between species of
these 3 categories. For example, while wild and ruderal plants (706 species
) are foraged by both humans and domestic animals, 59 species of this group
are also managed in situ. On the other hand, 168 wild ruderal and regions
of Mexico in plant resources. Local knowledge on use and management of plan
ts is a valuable source of information for designing conservation and socia
l development strategies for the biosphere reserve.