P450c17 commands a central role in human steroidogenesis as the qualitative
regulator of steroid hormone flux. Consequently, the study of P450c17 defi
ciencies in human beings serves to illustrate many aspects of the physiolog
y of steroid biosynthesis and to demonstrate salient features of the geneti
cs and biochemistry of P450c17 itself. Furthermore, classic 17-hydroxylase
deficiency was first described in patients with sexual infantilism and hype
rtension, but it is now recognized that partial and selective forms of P450
c17 deficiencies also exist. These patients demonstrate a range of phenotyp
es, illustrating the multiple roles of P450c17 in human biology. This artic
le reviews the genetics and biochemistry of P450c17 as a prelude for unders
tanding the pathophysiology of these diseases and approaches to their diagn
osis and management.