We present a micro-structural study of the formation of superconducting out
growths in multi-filamentary Bi,Pb(2223)/Ag tapes. Such bridges between the
filaments have been shown to be capable of carrying sizeable currents and
thus can greatly increase AC losses in these conductors, BS. quenching a se
ries of tapes at different reaction times, we were able to study how these
outgrowths nucleate and develop, A statistical analysis of their number and
length shows that they nucleate at predetermined sites and that their grow
th holds equal tread with the Bi,Pb(2223) formation within the filaments, b
oth processes being governed by the availability of transient liquid. The o
rientation distribution of the outgrowths shows that they usually nucleate
at 'dents' in the Ag/ceramic interface caused by the mechanical deformation
of the inherently inhomogeneous precursor powder. The influence of precurs
or powder coarseness,-composition and annealing atmosphere are also discuss
ed, The data suggest that outgrowths formation can be minimized by the use
of homogeneous and fine-grained powders without hard particle agglomerates.