Nb3Sn thin films were made by splitter deposition of Nh onto bronze substra
tes at various temperatures. Deposition at 660 degreesC produced a Nb3Sn re
action immediately, which resulted in films with 20-50 nm grains. The peak
of F-p(H) for one of these films was at 0.35 to 0.38H*, higher than the fie
ld where the standard flux-shear curve peaks, 0.2H*. Deposition at 400 degr
eesC produced Nb films that were later reacted to form Nb3Sn films with 50-
250 nln grains. These films also exhibited F-p(H) curves with peeks higher
than 0.2H*, hut the shift was not as pronounced as for the rapidly formed f
ilms. The shift of the pinning forte cur ve to higher fields is discussed i
n terms of tile grain she difference and a recent flux-pinning model. All o
f the films exhibited an expanded Nb3Sn lattice parameter and degraded supe
rconducting properties, due to disorder and interstitial impurities.