The single-grained YBCO high Tc superconductors (NTS) offer applications in
the field of Superconducting Screening Fault Current Limiters (SSFCL) in e
lectric power network. The current limiting mechanism is related to the mag
netic shielding effect of superconductor. Current limitation can he accompl
ished by means of the nonlinear impedance of a transformer with the primary
winding carrying the power circuit current and the short-circuited seconda
ry winding consisting of rings of single grained Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) material,
The latter remains superconductive at normal load level, which art as a ma
gnetic nux shielding device to provide low impedance, If a defined current
level is exceeded, a sufficient high magnetic flux is generated to penetrat
e the HTS ring. The secondary winding turns resistive: and provides a high
impedance which limits the prospective fault current. Ring-shaped single gr
ained YBCO disks with different thickness and Jc(H) were produced by Top-Se
eding Melt-Textured (TSMT) method, The relationship between the superconduc
ting properties and the current limiting performance are reported.