The goal of the common coil magnet R&D program at Brookhaven National Labor
atory (BNL) is to develop a 12.5 T, 40 mm aperture dipole magnet using "Rea
ct and Wind Technology'' with High Temperature Superconductors (HTS) playin
g a major role, Due to its "conductor friendly'' nature, the common coil de
sign is attractive for building high field 2-in-1 dipoles with brittle mate
rials such as HTS and Nb,Sn. At the current rate of development, it is expe
cted that a sufficient amount of HTS with the required performance would be
available in a few years for building a short magnet. In the interim, the
first generation dipoles will be built with Nb3Sn superconductor. They will
use a "React and Wind" technology similar to that used in HTS and will pro
duce a 12.5 T central field in a 40 mm aperture. The Nb3Sn coils and suppor
t structure of this magnet will become a part of the next generation hybrid
magnet with inner coils made of HTS, To develop various aspects of the tec
hnology in a scientific and experimental manner, a 10-turn soil program has
been started in parallel, The program allows a number of concepts to be ev
aluated with ii rapid throughput in a cost-effective way, Three 10-turn Nb3
Sn coils have been built and one HTS coil is under construction. The initia
l test results of this "React S: Wind" 10-turn coil program are presented,
It is also shown that a common coil magnet design can produce a field quali
ty that is as good as a conventional cosine theta design.