We have realized a hysteretic de SQUID to measure the flux states of a rf S
QUID inductively coupled to the hysteretic de SQUID. This type of measureme
nt is required whenever is necessary to make a non invasive measure of the
state of the rf SQUID. This is the case of measurements of macroscopic quan
tum coherence or measurements on q-bits systems, With the proposed set up t
he hysteretic de SQUID can switch from the superconducting to the normal st
ate depending on the total applied magnetic flux. On this system we measure
d at 4.2 K the change on the switching probability of the de SQUID by varyi
ng the nux state of the rf SQUID. The experimental results agree very well
with the theoretical predictions showing that this device can be used to pe
rform non invasive measurements of the rf SQUID flux state.