The international negotiations on climate change in November 2000 in The Ha
gue collapsed amid broad media coverage. Getting the talks rapidly back on
track failed and they will now resume in Bonn in July 2001. In the meantime
, however, the political landscape has changed: there is a new US administr
ation, and new scientific conclusions from the Intergovernmental Panel on C
limate Change have been released. The introduction and overview to this iss
ue of International Affairs introduces five articles, all of which agree th
at the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on climate change can be saved. The rescue can b
e made either through fundamental changes to the Protocol itself or by lear
ning the lessons of the failed round of negotiations in The Hague. On the b
asis of an assessment of the five articles, the author proposes his own sol
ution-to un-bundle the issues that had accumulated in the three years since
Kyoto. The author believes that some of the key developing-country Article
s, dealing with issues such as adaptation, capacity building, and financial
and technology transfer, can he dealt with outside the pressure of the tar
gets and timetables. Decisions on Kyoto's emission targets, mechanisms and
some aspects of 'sinks' would be made easier without the 'inter-connectedne
ss' with the 'developing-country: issues'. It might even be possible, he su
ggests, to negotiate some deals on targets within smaller groups of countri
es such as the EU, or those countries that have targets, the Annex B countr