The final physical properties of semi-crystalline blown films are highly de
pendent on the crystalline morphology and orientation of polymer chains wit
hin the film. Simultaneous on-line SALS (Small Angle Light Scattering) and
IR (Infrared) temperature measurements were successfully used to study crys
tallization during tubular blown film extrusion of LLDPE. SALS patterns wer
e recorded at various vertical positions along the bubble. For LLDPE, an un
deformed spherelulitic structure is formed if the stress level during proce
ssing is not too high. The change in average scattered intensity with axial
position cart be described using multiple step Avrami kinetic processes in
parallel. The first step accounts for crystal growth and corresponds to th
e well-known temperature plateau. The later processes start with the imping
ement of the growing spherulites and may reflect secondary crystallization
and orientation processes. Because the magnitude of the average intensity i
s responsive to changes in process conditions, the on-line SALS system is p
otentially a useful tool for monitoring process-properties interactions.