Hair cell regeneration occurs spontaneously throughout life and following h
air cell injury in the vestibular epithelia of mature birds and other nonma
mmalian vertebrates. We examined hair cell regeneration in post-hatch chick
utricles that were cultured in media with or without the ototoxin, strepto
mycin, for various periods. The goal of our study was to characterize the d
ose- and time-dependent effects of streptomycin on hair cell loss and regen
eration in vitro. Utricles that were cultured with streptomycin for 1 day d
isplayed a dose-dependent loss of hair cells in spatial patterns and levels
that were consistent with those observed in comparable experimental paradi
gms in vivo. Incorporation of the nucleotide analog bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU
) demonstrated that supporting cell proliferation is decreased during the f
irst day of culture in the presence of streptomycin, but it increases over
time when cultures are subsequently placed in streptomycin-free media. Utri
cles cultured for 1 day with streptomycin followed by 2-4 more days without
streptomycin had numerous bundles of immature stereocilia, suggesting that
new hair cells were generated in vitro. We tested this hypothesis by cultu
ring utricles with BrdU for 3 or 5 days and double-labeling them to detect
BrdU and the hair cell-specific antigen, TuJ1. Numerous BrdU-positive/TuJ1-
positive cells with phenotypic characteristics of immature hair cells were
present in the cultures, and the number of such cells increased between 3 a
nd 5 days in vitro, in a dose-dependent manner.