Prolonged exposure to micro-gravity causes substantial bone loss (Leblanc e
t al., Journal of Bone Mineral Research 11 (1996) S323) and treadmill exerc
ise under gravity replacement loads (GRLs) has been advocated as a counterm
easure. To date, the magnitudes of GRLs employed for locomotion in space ha
ve been substantially less than the loads imposed in the earthbound 1G envi
ronment, which may account for the poor performance of locomotion as an int
ervention. The success of future treadmill interventions will likely requir
e GRLs of greater magnitude. It is widely held that mechanical tissue strai
n is an important intermediary signal in the transduction pathway linking t
he external loading environment to bone maintenance and functional adaptati
on; yet, to our knowledge, no data exist linking alterations in external sk
eletal loading to alterations in bone strain. In this preliminary study, we
used unique cadaver simulations of micro-gravity locomotion to determine r
elationships between localized tibial bone strains and external loading as
a means to better predict the efficacy of future exercise interventions pro
posed for bone maintenance on orbit. Bone strain magnitudes in the distal t
ibia were found to be linearly related to ground reaction force magnitude (
R-2 > 0.7), Strain distributions indicated that the primary mode of tibial
loading was in bending, with little variation in the neutral axis over the
stance phase of gait, The greatest strains, as well as the greatest strain
sensitivity to altered external loading, occurred within the anterior crest
and posterior aspect of the tibia, the sites furthest removed from the neu
tral axis of bending. We established a technique for estimating local strai
n magnitudes from external loads, and equations for predicting strain durin
g simulated micro-gravity walking are presented. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science
Ltd. All rights reserved.