The correct positioning of the nucleus is often important in defining the s
patial organization of the cell, for example, in determining the cell divis
ion plane. In interphase Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells, the nucleus is po
sitioned in the middle of the cylindrical cell in an active microtubule (MT
)-dependent process. Here, we used green fluorescent protein markers to exa
mine the dynamics of MTs, spindle pole body, and the nuclear envelope in li
ving cells. We find that interphase MTs are organized in three to four anti
parallel MT bundles arranged along the long axis of the cell, with MT plus
ends facing both the cell tips and minus ends near the middle of the cell.
The MT bundles are organized from medial MT-organizing centers that may fun
ction as nuclear attachment sites. When MTs grow to the cell tips, they exe
rt transient forces produced by plus end MT polymerization that push the nu
cleus. After an average of 1.5 min of growth at the cell tip, MT plus ends
exhibit catastrophe and shrink back to the nuclear region before growing ba
ck to the cell tip. Computer modeling suggests that a balance of these push
ing MT forces can provide a mechanism to position the nucleus at the middle
of the cell.