Although significant numbers of the federally endangered Red-cockaded Woodp
ecker (Picoides borealis) occur at military installations, little research
has been initiated to determine what effects military activities have on th
e birds. From 1994-1996 we collected data at Ft. Banning Military Installat
ion, Georgia, to assess the effects of selected military activities on repr
oductive success of the birds. Noise and vibration levels were recorded at
or directly adjacent to active woodpecker clusters that received significan
t use by the military on a regular basis (i.e., firing of small arms and ar
tillery). Identical data were collected at active clusters that were not no
rmally used by military personnel and that we perceived to be relatively fr
ee of such disturbances. Surprisingly, we found no significant differences
in noise or vibration levels between treatments and controls. There also we
re no significant differences between treatment and control sites with rega
rd to the numbers of eggs, nestlings, adults, return rates of adults feedin
g young, or masses of nestlings and adults. Habitat assessments revealed no
differences in basal area or midstory density; however, understory was sig
nificantly more pronounced at treatment sites.