Nomad was deployed for a 45 day traverse in the Atacama Desert, Chile, duri
ng the summer of 1997. During this traverse, I week was devoted to science
experiments. The goal of the science experiments was to test different plan
etary surface exploration strategies that included(l) a Mars mission simula
tion, (2) a science on the fly experiment, where the rover was kept moving
75% of the operation time. (The goal of this operation was to determine whe
ther or not successful interpretation of the environment is related to the
time spent on a target. The role of mobility in helping the interpretation
was also assessed.) (3) a meteorite search using visual and instrumental me
thods to remotely identify meteorites in extreme environments, and (4) a ti
me-delay experiment with and without using the panospheric camera. The resu
lts were as follow: the remote science team positively identified the main
characteristics of the test site geological environment. The science on the
fly experiment showed that the selection of appropriate targets might be e
ven more critical than the time spent on a study area to reconstruct the hi
story of a site. During the same operation the science team members identif
ied and sampled a rock from a Jurassic outcrop that they proposed to be a f
ossil. The presence of paleolife indicators in this rock was confirmed late
r by laboratory analysis. Both visual and instrumental modes demonstrated t
he feasibility, in at least some conditions, of carrying out a field search
for meteorites by using remote-controlled vehicles. Finally, metrics colle
cted from the observation of the science team operations, and the use team
members made of mission data, provided critical information on what operati
on sequences could be automated on board revers in future planetary surface