The EU has no reason to be disappointed with the dispute settlement system
created by the Uruguay Round, with regards to both the system itself and th
e actual outcome of disputes settled. But all WTO Members have a common int
erest in improving the system, including the question of implementation and
enforcement. The article discusses various alternatives for enhancing impl
ementation and enforcement, including the possibility to strengthen the rig
hts of private parties and to shorten and re-design the deadlines for imple
mentation and compliance panel procedures. The article concludes that while
in the present global trade system, the intergovernmental character of the
WTO must be preserved, there is room for some shortening of deadlines, for
making the panel system more permanent and professional, and for increasin
g the resources of the Appellate Body. Finally, the article mentions the po
ssibility of creating a system of compulsory compensation, as an alternativ
e to the present system of suspension of concessions.