A number of different approaches exist for assessing blood pressure in expe
rimental animals. Here, we briefly consider the traditional indirect (roden
t tail-cuff) and direct (saline-filled catheter) methods of blood pressure
measurement before going on to describe our experience with blood pressure
telemetry in rabbits, rats. and mice. Blood pressure telemetry offers the a
bility to obtain a high-fidelity recording of blood pressure continuously,
for relatively Long periods of time, in conscious, freely moving animals, w
ithout the limitations of restraint or anaesthesia. Since some drift in tel
emeter offset and sensitivity are inevitable, recalibration of the telemete
r devices immediately before implantation and following explantation is ess
ential to ensure and document the accuracy of the blood pressure measuremen
ts. For long-term implantations, verification of the calibration can be per
formed in vivo. at least in the case of large animals, such as rabbits. Tel
emetry devices suitable for small animals, such as mice, are also available
now which will facilitate the accurate characterization of blood pressure
in transgenic animals. Telemeter implantation methods in mice are presently
difficult, with relatively low success rates being reported. However valid
ation of new methods, such as the insertion of the catheter tip via the car
otid artery. may make the technique more widely accessible in the near futu
re.;(C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.