We have employed single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy, using a total i
nternal reflection geometry and wide-angle detection, to study the attachme
nt of singly fluorescently labeled DNA to a silica surface by either a stre
ptavidin-biotin of a covalent linkage. In both cases the DNA is highly mono
dispersed with no evidence for aggregation. The covalent coupling gave high
er signal-to-noise than the streptavidin-biotin Linkage and was therefore s
tudied in more detail. Two components in the photobleaching times, correspo
nding to different states of the tetramethyl rhodamine probe, were observed
: a short and long component with populations in the ratio 6.7:1. Only rare
ly was interconversion between these two states detected during the 30-s ob
servation time of the experiment. Hybridization experiments using a complem
entary strand of DNA labeled with a different fluorophore gave a low level
of colocalized fluorescence, indicating a significant fraction of the surfa
ce attached DNA was not available for hybridization. These results are cons
istent with the surface attached DNA spending significant time collapsed on
the surface.