DNA microarrays, or gene chips, allow surveys of gene expression, (i.e., mR
NA expression) in a highly parallel and comprehensive manner. The pattern o
f gene expression produced, known as the expression profile, depicts the su
bset of gene transcripts expressed in a cell or tissue. At its most fundame
ntal level, the expression profile can address qualitatively which genes ar
e expressed in disease states. However, with the aid of bioinformatics tool
s such as cluster analysis, self-organizing maps, and principle component a
nalysis, more sophisticated questions can be answered. Microarrays can be u
sed to characterize the functions of novel genes, identify genes in a biolo
gic pathway, analyze genetic variation, and identify therapeutic drug targe
ts. Moreover, the expression profile can be used as a tissue or disease "fi
ngerprint." This review details the fabrication of arrays, data management
tools, and applications of microarrays to the field of renal research and t
he future of clinical practice.