The existing ARCFLO computer code for numerically simulating the flow in th
e constrictor of a constricted-arc wind tunnel is upgraded by replacing the
two-band gray-gas radiation model with the Planck-Rosseland-Gray model dev
eloped recently. The code is now applicable to both air and carbon dioxide
flows. For the airflows thermochemical nonequilibrium is accounted for appr
oximately in determining the thermodynamic variables. For the carbon dioxid
e flows condensation of solid carbon on the wall is accounted for. Turbulen
ce parameters are adjusted to accommodate the change in the radiation model
. For airflows the present modification reproduces the existing experimenta
l data well. For carbon dioxide flows the present code predicts operating c
haracteristics that are similar to those for airflows and a thin carbon dep
osit layer on the wall.