A life-cycle cost model for noise barrier walls was developed based on surv
ey data and field observations. The model includes all costs required to co
nstruct the noise barriers and uses sen:ice-life estimates based on field o
bservations and surveys. The results indicate that earth berms represent th
e lowest cost alternative and metal barriers with absorptive panels are the
most expensive. The life-cycle costs of wood, concrete, Carsonite, and Dur
isol fall within a relatively narrow range near $323/m(2) ($30/ft(2)), appr
oximately twice the cost of earth berms. A sensitivity analysis of the mode
l indicated that the two most important variables are initial construction
cost and service life. The difficulty in obtaining data is the primary reas
on many state transportation departments do not use life-cycle cost analysi
s to select noise barrier materials. Because of the importance of the costs
associated with the frequency of maintenance and replacement, and the diff
iculty in obtaining reliable data, life-cycle cost analysis may not be prac
tical to use as the sole criterion for selecting noise barrier materials. H
owever, it can serve as an additional tool to rank the cost effectiveness o
f alternative materials and designs.