Purpose: Testicular descent is controlled by 2 morphological and hormonal s
teps. Transabdominal testicular descent is mediated by gubernacular swellin
g and regression of the cranial suspensory ligament. Mullerian inhibiting s
ubstance (MIS) has been proposed to stimulate the swelling but this remains
controversial. Recently, a mouse mutant for Leydig insulin-like hormone (I
nsl3) was found to have undescended testis and deficient gubernaculum. We e
xamine the testicular position of Insl3 mutant mice and the development of
Materials and Methods: Mice with Insl3 homozygotes (-/-), heterozygotes (+/
-) and wild-types (+/+) were examined at embryonic day 16.5 and birth. Macr
oscopic dissections and measurements of the testicular position, as well as
microscopic analysis (hematoxylin and eosin, and Masson's trichrome) were
Results: Of the mice 11 Ins13 homozygote males had significantly impaired t
esticular descent at embryonic day 16.5 and birth (p <0.01), and the cord w
as thin and elongated, while 14 heterozygotes and 7 wild-types had normal t
esticular descent. Microscopically, the gubernaculum of Ins13 homozygotes w
as small with some muscle development but no central core of mesenchyme at
embryonic day 16.5. On the ether hand, heterozygotes and wild-types had nor
mal gubernacular development with a swelling reaction.
Conclusions: Insl3 mutants show feminized gubernaculum with deficient mesen
chymal core. Insl3 appears to have some role in the gubernacular swelling r
eaction in mice.