A charging damage mode due to "latent antenna" formation for high aspect ra
tio structures in a metal etch process was investigated by a new surface ch
arging simulation technique. The latent antenna is formed at the end of the
metal etch process because of the microloading effect, and is connected to
a transistor gate with 35 Angstrom thickness. By using a new simulation al
gorithm, the plasma stress current current-voltage (I - V) characteristic c
aused by topography dependent charging was calculated for different ranges
of the injection current to the antenna structure. Subsequent gate injectio
n current through the thin gate oxide was estimated by the plasma I - V wit
h a measured holding current I - V characteristic especially optimized for
high current injection. The plasma I - V was calculated for the latent ante
nna and a mask-defined structure (overetch structure), which are formed dur
ing an overetch period. The steady state gate injection current is largest
during the latent antenna formation. Because of a device degradation charac
teristic that is mostly controlled by an initial gate injection charge, the
high injection current for the latent antenna defines the degree of damage
, and the observed degradation independence of the overetch time is well ex
plained by the results. Since the initial gate injection charge depends on
the period of latent antenna formation, damage increases as the etching rat
e decreases at the narrow space region. The injection current gets smaller
with a smaller antenna ratio, and antenna structures without high aspect fr
om the gate injection current. For the analysis of thin gate oxide degradat
ion, the injection current is more important than the charging voltage. (C)
2001 American Vacuum Society.